Monday, May 6, 2013

Summer 2013 ::Project Organize and Declutter::

As the title suggests, I am declaring the summer of 2013 a time for organizing and decluttering.  I have two more finals to take this week and then I am out of school until mid-August.  I will be working three days per week (9-10 hours/day) but that two weekdays and two weekend days out of every week to be productive.  My schedule will likely be rather hectic this coming fall and I'd like to have all my ducks in a row when that time comes.

I've started to lay out a master plan and I'd like to break down all the big tasks into smaller ones so that I can also assign some things to the kids.  I have a notebook that I have been writing all of my ideas and lists in as I come up with them. I think I will make each of the older kids a mini version of that with their own lists and progress charts. They will each have a reading log to complete for the summer as well.  I promise I'm not *that* mom but I do like to fill summers with a mix of fun free time and structured time so that they aren't behind when school starts again. 

Pinterest has been my friend throughout this process of scheming and planning.  I've found many good ideas and would love to implement as many as my time and money allows.